Three Easy Organizing Hacks to Instantly Feel Less Stressed

Pretty Caucasian woman at the beach smiling at camera.

Here at Unstressed Nest, our priority is--you guessed it--making your everyday feel less stressful.  We are committed to helping you find that peace through a serene home.  And while building a strong foundation for an organized home is important, it can take time.  In the name of destressing STAT, some go-to insta-organizing tricks are always helpful to have in your back pocket. Here are my favorite tips for instantly feeling more put together and less stressed.

  1. Make the Bed!

    That maxim that your mom repeated ad nauseum as you were growing up? Well, I’m sorry to tell you, but mama was right. Make. That. Bed! It’s an instant game changer in an otherwise messy room. And once it’s made, don’t load it back up with stuff that you haven’t found a place for yet. Keep your bed an oasis of serenity that emanates calm and comfort. You can even try different blanket folds and pillow placement to see what makes you feel the best. Once the bed is made, its serene presence will often encourage you to do other touch-ups around the bedroom as well, like putting away those clothes, clearing off your nightstand…

  2. Start the Day With an Empty Sink

    Whether working from home or leaving home for your job, mornings can be hectic times. There are a lot of things to fit into those few hours between wake-up and the start of your work day: getting ready! Getting kids ready! Eating breakfast! Commuting! While totally understandable that the breakfast dishes might get left in the sink in your rush to get out the door, I guarantee you that you’ll feel even worse after a long day when you want to start getting dinner ready but the morning’s dishes in the sink beckon. I promise, you’ll feel so much better if you give yourself 10 minutes in the morning to get them out of the way. Throw anything dishwasher-able in the dishwasher, and clean as you cook for any hand-wash items so you’re done cleaning before you even eat breakfast.

  3. Two Words: Toy Bins

    For those of you with kiddos, you know it’s true: You could have a completely spotless home, but as soon as the kids walk in the door, it’s a tornado. It’s amazing what kids can do in the couple of hours that they are home from school or childcare before they go to bed. For this I have just two words: Toy Bins. I’ll tell you a secret: Toys are actually my favorite thing to clean up. You know why? You throw them into some cute bins or baskets and they are out of sight until tomorrow when they get pulled out again. And here’s a hot tip: please, please, whatever you do, do not try and over-organize your kids’ toys--it’s an exercise in futility and guaranteed to induce stress. You know that they are going to mix and match and move things around however they please. So let them go crazy, and give yourself a break.

What are your hacks for instantly feeling more organized?


How to Turn Cleaning Time Into “Me” Time